Besides, we can control our nafsu makan and eat in moderation. Tell me how many of u go to bazar and end up with foods more than u needed, hands up! *raising hand (yup yours truly pon sama)*. Not only you are eating extra calories (not good for the weight peeps, not good), u are also not following the sunnah by not eating in moderation (come on peeps, its Ramadhan, pahala berganda, even tiny deeds count!). Moreover, if the foods are
Ya I know been talking too much apa resepinya? Hihi it is actually a very simple dish that I love sooo
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Popiah goreng that I made during 'stock clearance' theraputic diet kitchen last month. Trust me it is as good as it looks. ;) |
*note the recipe is to make 40-50 pcs of popiah
Taugeh/bean sprout -RM1 (I'm not sure of the weight, biasanya cakap kat abang pasar nak singggit, and depends on how much popiah u are going to make. and if u dont eat taugeh, u can omit it or substitute with other sayur)
Cabbage -1/4 of the clove if its big (is it clove???hahah), or 1/2 if its small. Me prefer to cut it in long but thin shape
Carrot -1 nos, julienne
2 pcs chicken breast, cut into small pcs
3 pcs tofu (some people used egg. i love tofu more as it is soy products, could lower cholesterol level *not that I am hypercholesterolemia, but its always good to prevent than cure right?)
Garlic and Shallot
Oil to saute (best to use vege oil, its unsaturated fat aka good fat ;))
Salt for seasoning. If u like spicy filling, u can add white pepper
*some people add in udang kering. we never done that. first we dont like the taste. we prefer chicken (more yummy and healthy). second many of us are allergic to udang kering*
And of course popiah skin, never prepare it ourselves, so dont ask me how to make them. Beli je 1 paket got 50 pcs inside *evil grin*
How to make:
Haha. Easy peasy. Cut the cabbage and carrot and chicken breast. Saute the garlic and shallot under medium heat. Add in chicken, then pinch of salt. Cook the chicken until it is light brown, then add in cabbage and carrot, and taugeh (as it are more delicate, masuk last). Press and crumble the tofu (using lesung, or simply own hand -right side, and of course, clean hand) *translation: hancurkan tauhu itu sampai jadi macam scrambled egg. susah betul tulis resipi bahasa omputih ni*. Mix well. Done!
Put the filling in a strainer, strain it first because we dont want the filling to be too moist, it will ruin the popiah skin. Let is cool down before u start roll it, again, we dont want the heat to spoil the popiah skin.
When u are ready to roll, u can mix 1 tbsp of wheat flour with water to make an edible glue (make sure it is thick), to stick the popiah skin together. And remember, to roll it from the corner, not the center. It will make ur popiah looks nicer. ;)
Well while waiting for ur filling to cool down, lets make the popiah sauce shall we? Apa? Is Ija kidding? Popiah sauce? Boleh buat sos sendiri ye?? Haa dont worry adik2 sekalian. Kak Ija ni memang pemalas (kat rumah Ila yang selalu buat) tapi buat sos ni memang senang wal kacang. Ayuh kita tengok bahan2 dan caranya.
1 paket seringgit dried chili (again am not sure of the weight, 100 g kot)
5 cloves garlic*
1/2 tsp tamarind paste* (some ppl used vinegar. me prefer tamarind paste. i dont like the strong pungent taste of vinegar)
3 tbsp brown sugar* (can use granulated sugar, but brown sugar will give better color to ur sauce)
A pinch of salt*
For ingredients marked *, the amount is not fix, i.e if u prefer sweeter sauce, can add more sugar, prefer more garlic-y taste, can add more garlic, and so on. First u need to blend the dried chili and garlic with water, and yes u can also use the red chili, up to u. But we prefer dried chili as it gives better taste. As for the water, if u prefer thicker sauce, just add a little water, and vice versa. Cook the blended ingredients until boiled, add in tamarind paste, brown sugar and salt to season. Done!
Deep fry the popiah 30 minutes before berbuka, baru la rangup lagi sedap bergaya. Err u can use blended oil (healthier type of cooking oil), and can use kitchen towel to absorb the oil (cikdietitian feeling guilty for teaching friends to make deep fry kuih :(). Senang bukan? Selamat mencuba.
Tips: If u are only making it for 2-3 persons, u can make the popiah in bulk (ie 1 packet popiah skin =40/50 pcs), keep the rolled unfry popiah in ur chiller as it can be used up to 2-3 days. Just make sure u dont stack them on top of each other, or else it will easily tear apart. Besides, the humidity from ur chiller will ruin the popiah skin. How to store? Just layer the popiah with transparent plastic bag that u has cut according to the container size, before stacking the popiah, and use closed container. Buat hari Ahad, boleh makan sampai hari Selasa. Hari Rabu baru pikir nak buat foods lain muahaha.
Another pic of my popiah, just to motivate u =P
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yummeyyyhhh!!! |