Pictorial Report Jakarta Visit ;)
Haha tajuk tanak kalah. I went to Jakarta on 20th -23rd April to attend my brother's Awi convocation. He's taking medicine at UKRIDA. At Ukrida, they have the graduation ceremony (they call it hari wisuda hehe) after 3 years of theory classes, and once finished the clinical years, they will have their second convocation. Poyo kan? Haha.
Flew with Lion Air. Low cost flight. rm346 return ticket. |
Well I went there with my sister Ila and abah only. Its raining when we arrived.
It's raining |
I am a millionaire there. 1 ringgit is apprx. rupiah 3k. den kayo lol . |
Well Awi pick us up from the Suekarno Hatta Bandara. Bandara is airport, short form for bandar udara. Indonesian surely love to shorten stuffs up. Took a cab to the rented apartment, and knowing that we are from Malaysia he asked whether we know Safee Sali. Heh. Of course la kenal pak jawabku di dalam hati. Bapak itu bilang Safee itu hebat, malah udah kaya bangat di sini. Pakei Alphard, ada supirnya sendiri. Waduh2 bangga bangat gue. By the way its macet (traffic jam) along the way, so take more than 1 hour to reach the aprtment.
Mediterranea Aprtment. View from our rented aprtment. Only rm130/day with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen (stove, fridge and sink, dining table), air conditioned, tv and sofa. Great bargain I would say. |
Upon arrival, we did Jama' ta'khir prayer and rest. Well, me being a sister who only 'ingat nak jalan tak ingat tujuan datang nak pergi adik convo' didnt bring formal wear including shoes. So what does it means? Shopping!!! After Maghrib we went to the nearby shopping complex, Central Park and Taman Anggrik. Walking distance je. Abah tak ikut so only the 3 of us. Shopping kasut and baju hihihi. Balik tu naik bajai (the motor 3 roda) haha bunyi kuat prepppepppeppp tapi slow nak mamp**. Haha. Pic ada tapi in camera (which is why tak ada, bcos somehting happened to my sony cybershot :( )
So the next day, we walk to the graduation ceremony at Pullman Jakarta Central Park, dekat saja dgn rumah. Before pergi, camwhore dulu.
Awi tanak pakai mortar board betul2. nanti habis rambut dah gel. Gitu kekdahnya. |
Really??? |
Macam biasa control ayu. Their mortar board is pentagon by the way. Heheheh. |
outside the ballroom |
inside |
Wisudawan (read: graduan) walking inside. yang ko goyang beria sangat kenapa. kakja bukan pakai camera di setiap gamabr ada lagu. ni camera phone je weh. |
UKRIDA stands for Kristen Krida Wacana. If I'm not mistaken its a university built by Kristian organization. Sort of macam IIUM and OIC la kot. Thats why during opening ceremony there's all the church song, and mass by the priest in Indo language. I dont really get what they are saying though.
Alhamdulillah he is done with the first part of his study. May Allah ease the rest. |
Reason for this pic? I look around and notice her, and said to Ila "weh tengok kembar rozita che wan lol". The make up the kebaya ketat the badan montok hahaha. |
Because this is only a short trip and we are so tamak nak pergi banyak tempat, after the ceremony off we went back to aprtment to rest and eat. We have plan to go to Tanah Abang, syurga textile katanya. Since Tanah Abang close at 4.30 and Awi predict the traffic will be mancet, plan nak pergi Restoran makanan Padang has to be cancelled, tapau je. This half Indo-half Malaysia boy tahu tempat yg sedap and murah, so biar dia je gi beli. Serius sedap nasi padang tu. No pic though. We are in hurry heh.
Abah beli baju batik and kain batik and pelekat. High quality baju batik for only rm40. Very soft kain dia. Cantik. I nak belikan utk 'orang tertentu' tapi takut tak kena plk dgn selera dia. Hihi. |
Anak beranak. Baju batik abah ija yang pilihkan. |
Of course Awi did all the bargain. Harapkan kitorang? Nggak gampang deh.. Haha. |
Traffic in Jakarta is crazzzeeyhh! Crossing the road there is suicidal! Gila adrenaline rush. on the side note nampak tak itu apa? Itu adalah Angkut (public transport). Kitorang sgt familiar dgn angkut ni sbb dulu ada cite indon tajuk soleha, marshanda berlakon. die keja conductor angkut ni. bila angkut ni jalan die jerit 'angkut angkut angkut angkut..' hehe. |
We only managed to buy those kain batik/pelekat, telekong, and few blouses as limited time. Tapi I sempat la pass by textile shop. Cantiknya kain2 nak buat kebaya T_T. All the lace and organza and satin and what not (to make baju pengantin) is also very cheap. Tapi xde la I beli. Takde orang nak ajak I kahwin masa tu =P.
That night, we went for night sightseeing one more time, again to both Taman Anggrik to shop (this time Ila pulak nak carik kasut, semalam dia x beli sbb die sakit perut xde mood nak pilih) and to eat the yummylicous Nanny's Pavillon pancake at central park. We were too tired to walk, so take bajai first to Taman Anggrik, then walk to Central Park.
Tired face tired body tired all |
Feeling2 English di Jakarta la kekdahnye |
Blueberry icecream cheese pancake kejadah nama I dah lupa and vanilla caramel waffel. Sinfully delicous. Haihh teringat la pulak. |
After finishing the dinner, of we went back to apartment. Tomorrow we are heading to Bandung oyeah. Ok since hujan dah berhenti I nak balik. Haha I stuck kat office because its rain heavily. Cite Bandung is to be continued.
Udah mahu pulang. Gue udah capek bangat ini.
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