Friday, January 4, 2013


Yesterday on my way back home from work, I was following this car with 'anti lynas' sticker on its back. Oh yes those stickers are very common in Kuantan. I have no issue with it, everyone has the right to speak their mind, right? Anyway, we stop at traffic light, and there there. The person inside the car rolled down his/her window (ima not sure it’s a he or she), and throw a food’s plastic wrap outside, on the road. 

So much of an environmental activist u are! *Sigh*

I love a quote from Michael Schofield, who quoted from Sara Tancredi, who quoted from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi better known as Mahatma Gandhi; be the change you wanna see in the world. Talk big on saving the mother earth from lynas, why don’t u start with yourself by keeping the road clean (especially from those non-biodegradable plastic wrap!). 

Huh. Entry emo di awal tahun. heh. 
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” –Leo Tolstoy. 

Happy new year peeps. Let’s start the year by doing something good. And that’s include getting married. Eh? =p


  1. You're absolutely right
    إن الله لا يغيّر ما بقوم حتى يغيّروا ما بأنفسهم" [الرعد 11]
    which means, Allah won't change people until they start changing themselves. Change starts with the individual. Happy new year^^

    1. Thank you luna on the wonderful taught. May u hv wonderful year ahead.

    2. Thank you luna on the wonderful taught. May u hv wonderful year ahead.

    3. Thank you luna on the wonderful taught. May u hv wonderful year ahead.

    4. Thank you luna on the wonderful taught. May u hv wonderful year ahead.
