Wednesday, October 19, 2011


One of my favorite Friends scene. Its a moo! Come to think of it, it do make sense. High up Jo!

P/S: Friends is one of my favorite sitcom, and it remains of the best sitcom ever. How I Met Your Mother is the 21st century of Friends, and it is also hilarious, but Friends is a lot funnier. I realized that there are quite a number of scene in HIMYM that was 'cilok' from Friends.

My very own FRIENDS. When we are together, we could be a lot funnier than Friends. From left Wawa (now in Sarawak), Fizah (OZ),  Ida (Kuala Tganu), Sal (Kuala Tganu/Marang), Farah (Sitiawan), Muni (Kuala Tganu), Saadah (Kedah), kite (Kuantan), Yayah (KB), Ainor (KB), Sab (OZ), Kakaksarah (NZ) and fizah kwn sab i tatau dia kat mane ;)
Utara, selatan, timur, barat, seberang laut, merentas benua, mana saja, semoga sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah, Friends...

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