Hello all.
Its been a gloomy week for me this week, not sure why. Maybe because am not feeling so good with the flu and cough and headache and homesick. Yeah maybe that. And for the past couple of week I’ve been sick –nausea and vomit after eat, could not finish up meal, LOA. Mazuin’s diagnosis? Stress related to just restart working. The only thing positive about it is I’ve shed a couple of kilos. Haha. Ya I know its not a good way of losing wt, but I did anyway lol!
Well I started this week with a diabetic management workshop in HKL. Went there with Cik Jun (housemate cum colleague). Met great dietitians/teachers in HKL (I did my professional clinical attachment there) –Dr Romzi (yup she got her PHD now ~so inspiring smpai rase goose bump), Datin Sharita, Pn Marlina, Pn Maryam, Pn Amilia etc. Also a few familiar faces, mazuin (a dear friend from uia, dietitian at pusrawi but soon to work in hukm p/s jgn marah aku reveal kat sini ek mazu nway ramai yg dah tau kan), alip (senior uia, dietitian serdang), khairil (or khairul, I always confused -ex besta dietitian now works in PPUM).
Nway back to the workshop, the 1st talk was by Dr Ronald Ma, Assoc Prof Dept of Medicine & Theraputics Chinese University of Hong Kong. He talked about management of DM pt with obesity/overwt problem. The new generation drug for DM. But sorry I cudnt share much. I was pening2 lalat at that time (not well + hypo –skip breakfast), cudnt concentrate. Perhaps boleh tny Mazu she was busy jotting down notes (as expected from best student hehe). Tetapi di dalam kepeningan I got few ideas of what he’s talking –it’s important for obese diabetic pt to lose some wt, for it really contributes to help in glycemic control. I believed that is what we preached to our obese diabetic pt, but sometimes we (or at least me) tend to forget to emphasize on that sole fact to the pt, lebih focus pd diabetic diet mx je. Its true that if pt practice diabetic diet, it could help them to lose wt, but a little emphasis on the importance of wt loss to help control blood sugar, blood pressure and lipid profile wont do any harm no?
After revitalized with morning tea, the session continues with a talk on MNT for DM by Miss Yeo, HKL dietitian. Well not much update, pretty much the same as the 2004 MNT. The discussion afterwards was on non-nutritive sweetener. What is our stand on the recently popular stevia? As it is plant-based, it is safe to consume, including by diabetic pregnant woman. But more study should be done on stevia –long term effect, etc. Hey perhaps I could discuss this issue on next entry. Found a journal and review papers on this but x baca lg (biase la malas *tampar muka sendiri laju2*). The last session was a case study presented by Ms Khalilah. Nothing much to share here, just the same diabetic mx as we always encounter in medical ward.
Well the workshop ends with us (me mazu and jun) catching up with alip and kairil and get to know other new dietitian. And of course greeting HKL dietitians that have thought us a lot. Surprisingly ada antara mereka masih ingat kami yg hina ini hehe. Mazu sgt impressed dgn ke’dhobitan HKL dietitian. I pray that I can be great people like them one day. Mntk tlg amin ye.. macih.
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us with hkl dietitian special unit posting |
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kami dgn tn hj ridzoni on our very last day there |
p/s: on tuesday I cover kakzam for her endocrine clinic with ilman. 1st pt adalah makcik yg sgt cute, 76 yo.
cikdietitian: makcik duk mane cik?
Makcik: duk batu kep (batu cave). Tp makcik org noghori (ilman kat dpn dah jeling2 dah), hari2 masak lomak nak oii, pakcik ko tanak makan bnd lain.
Alahaiii makcik, comel betol.. u really made my day ;)
p/s 2 hohoho balik kampongg!!
see~ blk kg tros ade selera makan kan? hospital xde bau rumah... haha
ReplyDeleteps-eleh, mcm ko x jot down je.. get well soon~ ke da well since da blk kg? haha
Aik,nama akak ade kt blog ija lah...hihi...saje kasi cover my clinic....moga2 ade hslnyer...hihi.k.zam...
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