Hello all.
I’ve been sick for about a month. On and off. Nausea, vomiting, headache, cough. And being me, I am not a big fan of seeing doctor. So it took me a good 3 weeks of sakit-tak sakit-sakit balik cycle to see one. Yesterday my sister brought me to a GP. The diagnosis? Quite a lot I tell u.
1. Left eye conjunctivitis –I believed I got infected from a pt. I did diabetic counseling to him on Friday. And he happily opened his eye protective gear to listen to me and looking at the pamphlet. Aissh laaa..In my 24 years of living, this is the first time I got sakit mata. Thank god its not itchy or watery or what not. Just feel like there is a layer on my eyes. And its not that comfy. Anyway as I am staying at my sister’s place at the moment (sori sis sakit je dtg umah awak L), I bought this nerd spectacles to protect little syauqi from being infected. Pretty cool huh? Hehe.
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muka budak sakit cuba jadi nerd. see my infected left eye? |
2. Gastritis. –the GP said that it is acute. But still, no more spicy and oily foods in the meantime. This is so heartbreaking, u know, being a big fan of spicy foods. A friend of mine already predicted this before, based on the sign and sx –vomit after eating. I think the peak of this problem is when I have a dose of caffeine last Thursday. Its been quite a while since I drink coffee, but I was really sleepy that day. So I bought a can of coffee that morning. Caffeine, as you know, is a stimulant. It could increase production of stomach acid, hence can worsen symptoms of gastritis. Right after I finish the good 1 can, I felt dizzy, my hand trembled, and of course, nausea. Then on the afternoon, off we went to get lunch at Selayang Baru. I tried to ignore the nausea feeling, ordered Maggi goreng. It was delicious, but of course I cudnt finish it. Still, I ate few chilies ;) And then, boom! As soon as I arrived office I vomit out all my stomach content. Rase nak mati masa tu, sakit.
3. GERD –Got this secondary to gastritis. So adik2, how it happens? Lets recall the pathophysiology. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus. This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms like vomiting. Eh akak x hafal pon copy paste dr pubmed health je ;). So in my case, I really did vomit a lot this month. Vomiting sucks! U’ll experience heartburn, sore throat and not to mention the exhaustion that u feel after such episode. It took a lot of your energy. At the moment I cudnt tolerate much food at a time. Has to eat small and frequent meal. Anyway I am LOA now, so I don’t really eat pon. Mute point kan. Hehe. But I did force eat now, for the purpose of taking all the meds. Aigoo..
4. Throat inflammation and fever –ye la, since eat very little, sakit2 lagi, immune system pon compromise la. But the sore throat is killing me. Its hard to swallow foods. It just make the other problem worst. Dah la x selera makan, nak paksa makan pon tekak sakit. Haii laa..
Anyway, we hear people said about remember 5 things before 5 all the time. In fact we remember them well: sihat sebelum sakit, muda sebelum tua, kaya sebelum miskin, lapang sebelum sempit, dan hidup sebelum mati. But it is always easier for us to remember those magical reminders when we already experience the later things.
Dah sakit baru ingat nikmat sihat. Dah sakit baru nak ingat Allah banyak-banyak. Dah sakit baru nak memohon kat Allah sungguh-sungguh. Tapi itu adalah pengajaran daripada sakit ini yang perlu kita fahami. Sakit itu nikmat. Bila sakit kita lagi banyak beristighfar, mintak ampun kat Allah. Bila sakit kita jadi lagi dekat dgn Al-Muhaimin. Bila sakit kita lagi banyak berdoa kepada Ar-Rahim. Dan kerana itu, saya mensyukuri nikmat sakit ini.
"Dan kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cubaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu semua akan dikembalikan" (Surah al-Anbiya’ ayat 35)
Mohon doa dari semua, untuk kesejahteraan dan kesihatan kita bersama. Amin.
Menulis di kala sakit...dan lapar...
p/s: always adviced pt who are LOA to always try to eat, as u hv to hv enough energy and protein to combat ur illness. But when u are in their shoes, u’ll know how much they suffer. Another lesson learnt from this sickness.
Salam...I'll pray 4 u my dear...
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, u DID learn da lessons given frm Allah.. InsyaAllah smga ada kafarah dosa yg terhapus di saat ko sedang dilanda uijian ini..=)
Take care & always be kuat, KuaT & KUAT, okeh babe
thanx much, kuat sampai 3 kali remind me of sabun kuat harimau pulak (ye aku tau xde kaitan lol).